








1.FangFang Zhao*. Teaching behaviours of clinical teachers and professional commitment among nursing students: A moderated mediation model of optimism and psychological well-being. Nurse Education Today, 2023(125)105774. 医学1.

2.Xiao-Li YeWei Zhang , Fang-Fang Zhao*. Depression and internet addiction among adolescents:A meta-analysis.Psychiatry Research.2023, 326:115311.医学2.

3. FangFang Zhao*,Philip H. Friedman, Loren Toussaint,Jon R. Webb, John Freedom. Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Friedman life balance scale among nursing students: A psychometric analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 66, 2023,103505.医学2.

4. FangFang Zhao*,, Li Yang, JiangPing Ma, ZhengJi Qin. Path analysis of the association between selfcompassion and depressive symptoms among nursing and medical students: a crosssectional survey. BMC Nursing, 2022, 21:67. 1-11.医学2区。

5.Fang-FangZhao*.The association of loneliness, mindfulness, and optimism with

self-directed learning among nursing students in China: A cross-sectional study.

Journal of Professional Nursing, 2022, 38: 68-73. 医学3区。

6.Fang-FangZhao*. Artificial neural network application for identifying risk ofdepression in high school students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry, 2021, 21:517.医学2.

7.FangFang Zhao*, Riitta Suhonen,Helena Leino-Kilpi. Factors associated with subsequent diabetes-related self-care activities: The role of social support and optimism. Nursing Open, 2020. 7:195-205. 医学4. .

8.FangFang Zhao*, Riitta Suhonen,Jouko Katajisto, Minna Stolt, Helena Leino-Kilpi.

Association between diabetes-related self-care activities and positive health: a cross-sectional study, BMJ open, 2019, 9(e023878.):1-10. 医学3.

9.FangFang Zhao*.Riitta Suhonen; Jouko Katajisto; Helena Leino-Kilpi; The

association of diabetes-related self-care activities with perceived stress,anxiety, and

fatigue: a cross-sectional study, Patient Preference and Adherence, 2018,12:1677-


10.FangFang Zhao*,Riitta Suhonen, Sanna Koskinen, Helena Leino-Kilp.Theory-based self-management educational interventions on patients with type 2diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2017,73(4): 812-833.医学2.

11.FangFang Zhao*,Yujie Guo,Riitta Suhonen, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Subjective well-being and its association with peer caring and resilience among nursingvs medical students: A questionnaire study, Nurse Education Today, 2016,37:108-113.医学1

12. FangFang Zhao, Xiaoling Lei, Wei He, Yanhong Gu* and Dongwen Li. The Study of Perceived Stress, Coping Strategy and Self-efficacy of Chinese Undergraduate Nursing Students in Clinical Practice. International journal of nursing practice. 2015, 21(4):401-409.医科4.

13.Wei He, Y. Zhang, Fangfang Zhao*. Factors influencing exercises in Chinese   people with type 2 diabetes. International Nursing Review. 2013,60(4): 494-500. 医科4.

14.赵芳芳,赵丽华,吴爱娟,张晓义,郭瑜洁,谢菊美.健康信念模式和自我管理效能在预测2型糖尿病患者自我管理行为中的作用.中国老年学杂志, 2017, 37(18),4636-463.

15. 赵芳芳,徐益荣,刘玮玮,耿桂灵,成静.护理本科生学习倦怠和自主学习能力水平的相关性研究.解放军护理杂志, 2014, 31(5), 5-8.

16. 赵芳芳,刘玮玮,吴爱娟,张晓义.2型糖尿病病人自我管理效能与生存质量的相关性.中国老年学杂志, 2014, 34(19),5547-5549..

17.宋艳,赵芳芳*,沈红五,李康琴,陈娟.实习护生竞争态度特点以及与自尊的关系研究. 现代预防医学 2014, 41(17):,3177-3187. .

18.赵芳芳,陈宏林,顾艳荭,何炜,汪洁. 护士主观幸福感的现状及其影响因素研究.中华护理杂志, 2012, 47,6,531-533..

19.赵芳芳,顾艳荭,刘玮玮,吴爱娟,张晓义.计划行为理论研究及其在护理中的应用. 解放军护理杂志, 2012, 29(20),47-49..

20.赵芳芳,顾艳荭, 耿桂灵, 何炜, 张凤.不同年级护理本科生专业承诺情况的调查.解放军护理杂, 2011, 28(20),13-16. .

21.赵芳芳,顾艳荭,何炜.护理本科生自主学习能力与一般自我效能感的相关研究.护士进修杂志, 2010, 25(6), 519-522..

22. 赵芳芳,王缘,董雪. 护理本科生对临床教师带教行为的期待及实际行为的评价.解放军护理杂志, 2009, 26(12B):8-10.

23.赵芳芳,赵秋利, 杨永丽.护理本科生一般自我效能感与临床实践能力的相关因素研究.中华护理杂志, 2008, 43(2):111-114.

24.赵秋利, 赵芳芳, 郑守华.血糖控制较好的 2 型糖尿病病人心态调节过程的质性研究. 护理研究, 2008, 22 (7): 1731-173425.

25.赵秋利,赵芳芳,郑守华.糖尿病患者自我管理研究进展.中国实用护理杂志. 2008,24(25):39-41.

26.赵芳芳,宋晓华,王莹.护理本科生临床实习期间自我和谐状况与应对方式的调查. 解放军护理杂志, 2007, 24(10A):16-21.

27.赵芳芳, 赵秋利, 杨永丽.护理本科生实习期间实践能力与惧怕否定程度的调查分析.护理研究, 2007, 21(8):2003-2005.

28.杨永丽,赵芳芳,孔繁莹,杨丽,赵秋利. 护理研究课程中SPSS实习课教学的探讨. 护理学杂志,2007,22(2):14-15.









